We offer affordable and anywhere access to public services required by citizens routinely, with real-time information availability and 24X7 paperless service deliveries. Inclusive growth through biometrics-based beneficiary identity management, electronic disbursal of wages and non-monetary benefits, beneficiary enrollment, digital works management and self-help group management. Secure and robust communication networks, active Electronic Warfare (EW) systems and integrated law enforcement systems to empower your defense forces and security agencies. Integration of revenue, taxation and financial management on a single platform.

This helps increase tax revenues through effective tax administration, perform a variety of financial management activities including budget preparation, and achieve rigorous fiscal discipline. We help increased accessibility to affordable public healthcare and medical services by offering clinical and diagnostic services, effective administration and proactive monitoring of quality health services.
Rapid urbanization, better management and delivery of civic services, planned development of cities through optimized technology infrastructure, integrated transportation and traffic systems, management of state-wide area network and data center. Early warning systems for disasters with incident response systems and knowledge portals.